Important Information
about COVID-19

District counselors are available when school is in session (through June 16, 2020) from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm, Monday through Friday (except holidays).
If you have an immediate psychiatric emergency or any emergency, please call 911.
If you do not have an emergency, the following psychiatric resources are available 24 hours a day/7 days a week: Jersey City Mobile Response 24/7 Hotline at (201) 915-2210.
In-home counseling services through PerformCare 1 (877) 652-7624.
Click here for Distance Learning Plans in English and Spanish
Click here for Student/Staff Support Services Contact Information
A Message from Dr. James P. Doran,
Director of Personnel/Human Resources/Compliance
and Crisis Management for Harrison Public Schools
Earlier this week, Governor Murphy announced that in-person graduation ceremonies may commence in July, however, a strict set of guidelines must be followed in order for this to occur. After reviewing the State’s formal guidelines and meeting with our fellow Hudson County school districts, local and county officials and emergency management teams, we will continue to move forward with our plans for virtual graduation ceremonies. This is the same decision that the New Jersey Department of Education has recommended, noting it is the “safest alternative graduation ceremony at this time.” We expect that these virtual ceremonies will have a high level of student participation, and give you - as our graduates - many fond, lifelong memories to cherish. We have been directed by the State time and time again to base our decisions on the data and numbers provided to us, in keeping Harrison safe.
Students and parents have been emailed an important flyer from
the New Jersey Department of Health and CDC regarding COVID-19
(also known as "coronavirus".)
Click the image below to view the flyer.
Spanish and Simplified Chinese flyers available underneath the flyer.

1. Visit to see a map of Xfinity WiFi hotspots. Open hotspots, both indoor and outdoor, will be displayed on the map in a blue color. Once at a hotspot, customers and non-customers should select xfinitywifi from the list of available WiFi networks, and then launch a browser. (please note that it must be 'xfinitywifi' all small letters, any other xfinity wifi will take you to one that requires a login)
2. Non-Xfinity Internet customers can connect by clicking the Accept & Connect button.
Non-Xfinity customers will be able to renew their complimentary
sessions every two hours. (so you'll have to renew your connection and
start these steps over every 2 hours)
Starting on April 6, 2020, children in grades 3-6 will be able to tune in each weekday to lessons taught by New Jersey educators. Click here for archived lessons and click here to find where to watch NJTV.
NJTV Education Flyer- English
NJTV Education Flyer- Spanish